Thursday, December 15, 2011

I Promise, This Is the Last Snowflake Post This Year

Part 1 of geeky snowflakes here

Really, I have been sewing, too, not just crafting. But I had some time today while waiting with Walnut and I couldn't sew, so I cut these guys out instead.
Can you guess what they are? Hint: the bottom right is not a ghost, a melted snowman, or a really ugly Peep.

I don't have templates for these, although I might try to get around to drawing them up someday. Just in case I want to make these again someday. But here's what my drawings and cuts looked like:
Sketches for Jabba and the Balrog.

The cut out Balrog.

Unfolded! One Balrog seems to mysterious have merged nostrils. Also the fire is uneven.

Jabba's eyes and nostrils were very, very difficult. The middle pattern was supposed to be like the secret grate that allows him to watch his pet rancor and its victims.
Not especially clear from the actual snowflake, but this was meant to be Rivendell.

The arches on the bridge obviously didn't make it.

For such a lacy snowflake, it held up surprisingly well.
And now I am out of origami paper from that years-old packet, so no more snowflakes. At least until I have a child and fly on Cathay Pacific.

Coming up tomorrow: I actually sew something!


  1. Do you use very thin or special papers for these? My ones do not look this 'professional', especially trees in Rivendell one didn't come out well at all.

    1. I used origami papers for all of the snowflakes. Regular paper is too thick to do such delicate cuts.


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